SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS:- in the path of true religion:-

Blindness a Disease?

I was a liberal Muslim my whole life . As a daughter of an Army man we were posted to different cities and hence got me into a habit of getting adapted to any situation. I never considered Islamic perspective , though we were taught about our basic pillars and Salah and reading Quran, but i never understood the reason behind getting taught .

I was always into my Jahaliya (Ignorance) Phase because i never understood or at least tried to comprehend what life is or what god ever wanted to communicate to me. We live in a Society where we are taught the basic of Islam, but not what exactly does that mean because we are more focused on the tangible things . I was always an Affable amiable person getting involved in playing , learning new things, learning new technology, but never gave a thought to understand Quran. Quran for me back then was just a written book in Alien Arabic language which was intrinsic for us to learn.

Differences between spiritual and physical blindness

While physical blindness is a sensory impairment, spiritual blindness involves a metaphorical inability to see beyond the material world, often linked to emotional or psychological states.

People say Blindness or vision impairment occurs due to many reasons refractive error, cataract or diabetic retinopathy resulting in a person loosing there eye sight. This is something which is not under your control. its what destined for you which Allah Willed. But the concerning part is something which can be seen but is actually ignored

Causes of Spiritual Blindness:-

Lack of Awareness or Understanding:

Many individuals may not have been exposed to spiritual teachings or practices that cultivate awareness: Busy lifestyles, distractions, and prioritizing material success can lead to neglect of spiritual development: A culture that prioritizes material wealth and success can overshadow spiritual values, leading to a shallow understanding of life.

Signs and Symptoms:-

Emotional and Psychological Indicators:

Feelings of emptiness, discontent, or existential crisis may signal spiritual blindness. Difficulty forming meaningful connections or feeling isolated can be a result of being spiritually blind. which i was always going through until i got hidayah.

When Guidance comes:-Paths to Awakening

I have heard it from great scholars-When God loves his servant he creates or puts him/her in a situation where all doors for them are closed except the door of Allah and that he cannot find a way through except for what Allah creates for him. We often get trapped in this wordly life so much so that we tend to forget who are we, what are we and what is the purpose of my existence and then Allah says in Quran:-https://quran.com/93

أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ يَتِيمًۭا فَـَٔاوَىٰ

Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you?

وَوَجَدَكَ ضَآلًّۭا فَهَدَىٰ

Did He not find you unguided then guided you?

There comes the hidyah or the True guidance- the only requisite is , you need to open your mind and heart and quest about your existence and true religion. Basically Religion is not separate from your life its a way of life which i have already spoke in about in my blog-https://theislamicforums.com/exploring-the-essence-of-true-religion/https://theislamicforums.com/exploring-the-essence-of-true-religion/


It so happens when we rigorously works towards making our world we forget to be content and truly, being happy and content are poles apart, which we generally mixes up. Happiness can come from any external source of this world. following your passion or hobby can bring you happiness and its always accompanied by sadness. As Allah says in Quran:-https://quran.com/94

فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا

So, surely with hardship comes ease.

Means its again going to be accompanied by some sort of trials.

But, Contentment is when you know that this worldy place is just a testing place and not a resting place . whatever good we do, shall be considered by someone in hereafter and all the bad that people do shall also be considered. If you are being wronged and no one notices that dont think its being shunned away or ignored, every small act that you do is being noted down and shall be shown in hereafter. think kind of believe gives a contentment and a true motivation to do good.

Conclusion:-Spiritual Practices for Clarity

Techniques for Enhancing Perception and Awareness:

Practices such as journaling, contemplation, and nature walks can help clear the mind and open the heart. Engaging in rituals can serve as reminders of spiritual truths and enhance connection to the divine.Salah, Reading Quran with meaning and history of the revelation of Surah can help build that connection.

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